Garrett Park Conservation Action Network




in Action










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Past Events

Sunday Oct 16, 2011 - Garrett Park Raingarden Tour. Sponsored by GPCAN and GPCTrust. A group of 25-30 people met at Penn Place on a pleasant Sunday afternoon for a walking tour of recently installed raingardens and permeable driveways in town. Some of the homeowners were present to share their experience. We were accompanied by Pam Rowe from Montgomery County Dept of Environmental Protection who explain how these projects fit in with the county's effort to reduce runoff into Rock Creek. The tour ended at the Anderson/Reinhardt home where over 40 people gathered for refreshments and continued discussion. The enthusiasm for raingardens was gratifying. (photo)

Sat Mar 12, 2011 - Clean Energy Signup at the P.O. 9am-1pm - GPCANers available to help people sign up for clean energy and get on the thermometer. See coverage of this event in the Gazette.

Thurs Jan 6, 2011 @ 8pm
Unveiling of the Thermometer
. Come to the GP Town Hall at 8pm for some refreshments and witness the unveiling of an 8-foot thermometer that will be used to track our community's effort to use less energy. See coverage of this event in the Gazette

Jan 8, 9-12am
Hanging of the Thermometer

GPCANers will hang an 8-foot thermometer in the Post Office and be on hand to answer questions.

Rainscapes for Dummies, sponsored jointly with the
GP Citizens Association, Thurs, March 24. Pamela Rowe, a Rainscapes Program Specialistfrom the Watershed Management Division of Montgomery County, showed us how we, as individual home owners, through the use of rain barrels, rain gardens, permeable paver projects, native plant gardens, tree canopies and green roofs, can help control runoff, reduce pollution and nurture the Chesapeake Bay.

Sunday October 4, 2009 2:00 -5:00 pm Conservation in Action - A self-guided House and Yard Tour, Highlighting homes with energy saving modifications or other green features, yards with rain gardens or water barrels, houses that have been remodeled rather than knocked down and rebuilt, a "green deconstruction", a good example of a mulch pile, or simply a family with a green life style. Co-sponsored by GPCAN & GPCTrust

See the Brochure
or better yet
See the Conservation in Action Page
that grew out of this event.


Saturday, May 9, 2009 - Green Day Event, 10am-1pm. A f ree family event in collaboration with a Kensington group.

Global Warming Fair, April 2008
During Earth Week 2008 we held a Global Warming Fair at the Town Hall that focused on individual actions to combat climate change. There were lots of activities for children, as well as information for adults on simple changes to make at home that will both reduce energy use and save money. People were on hand to facilitate signing up for wind energy. We encourage town citizens to sign up for renewable electricity with the goal of making the town 100% renewable. In response to our encouragement, the Town itself has agreed to sign up Penn Place and the Town Hall for green electricity. We hope to get every citizen in town signed up. To learn how, click here










Post Office

Picture of thermometer in Post Office


Conservation: the Quickest Route to Sustainability